Friday, April 11, 2008

Portrait Assignment

1. Find an interesting human subject. The person you choose should WANT to be in the picture and they should be willing to cooperate.
2. Talk to your subject. You are the director of this adventure, make it what you want. Use colors or lighting to create a concept for your portrait. Costumes or uniforms work great. Imaginary ideas are OK. Choose an interesting setting based on your concept.
3. Change angles between shots. Shoot at least 25 pictures of your subject.
5. Change your lighting; Use filters, flashlights, lamps, or multiple lights to enhance your picture.
6. Remember you are the boss, make them change their expression. Pretend it is high fashion and they have to create the next great "look" like blue steel (Zoolander).
7. Most importantly for this assignment don't forget your composition rules. Use framing, leading lines, rule of thirds, color contrast etc. to enhance your photo. Fill the frame!!!! HAVE FUN & BE CREATIVE!!!!

you should have at least ONE subject photographed by Monday April 14th with a minimum of 12 fun, creative, unique images!!!

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