Tuesday, May 3, 2011

even more on action

Hints and suggestions:
1. Try a variety of shutter speeds. I would try starting at something as quick as 1/20 and work your way down to a speed as slow as 2-4 seconds. (I am guessing that around 1/20 to 1/2 will work best, but that of course depends on lighting etc.)
2. Use a timer so your hands do not move the camera and cause your main subject to blur.
3. Use a tripod or keep your camera on something steady.
4. Shoot in a really interesting setting away from school. If you are using people as your subjects then shoot in a place that has a large population during your class.
5. Play dress up. Encourage your subject(s) to act as a character to make the picture even more interesting.

Digital Photography Contest Gallery - Motion Blur Effect30 Impressive Examples of Motion Blur photography

30 Impressive Examples of Motion Blur photography

More Examples

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