Monday, January 28, 2008

Portfolio Info:

Your portfolios are now due 1/29-30.  You will have half of the period to make any final adjustments.  We will then begin looking at EVERY portfolio.  You need to drop a folder titles your name and portfolio topic containing ALL of your images so we can review them in front of class on the LCD.

  • Paragraphs for each picture should tell us what you did (camera and photoshop), why, and how it relates to your chosen topic.

  • One page reflection should answer the following questions (it may be double spaced):  describe what you learned about throughout this project;  about your subject, PhotoShop, photography, etc.  What came easily and what was difficult throughout this project?  What would you do differently if you were to redo this project.  Finally, how far along do you think you have come as a photographer this semester?

  • There will be NO more printing of photographs in class.  If you need more printed please do so outside of school (Costco, Kitz, RiteAid, etc)

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