Sunday, October 9, 2011

More abstracts... with slow shutters!

by slowing down the shutter on your camera (allowing things to move while the camera is taking the image) can result in some amazing images... Toady we will be shooting a few    more abstract images, but adding slow shutter speeds into the mix to aid in improving our shooting adventure.

We will be setting the shutter speed manually!  This will allow you to either move the camera or the action/subject while the camera is taking the pic, resulting in an AMAZING abstract pic!!!

We want to change the 1/2.5 which is the shutter speed.  By setting this to something slower than 1/30 of a second we will be able to see the movement of the action/camera in our pic.  Spend the shooting time today experimenting with speeds from 1/2 to 25 and see the results.  Your goal is to understand the effect shutter speeds have on your images.  You will need this for your shooting day on Wed/Thursday.

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